Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Molon Labe You Sonsabitches

One way or another Obama is coming for our guns. Oh yes he is.

Forget all the crap he spewed during the election to the contrary, if you ever believed it in the first place (why would you?).

Enslave the population by disarming it.

And it seems he is going to try the “throw a lot of shit at the wall and see what sticks” method to do so.

Some of it will be open and overt. Much of it will be much more insidious.

In a way it’s all a little humorous. Obama has been the best salesman the firearms industry has ever had. Not only are gun sales and ammo sales up (I was at a show this weekend. Very few guns left and almost no handgun ammo. Dealers have stopped buying table at some shows because their backorders are so long now they have no idea when they will be filled) but stock in Smith & Wesson (my Favorite!) was trading at $5.51 just now. My mortgage company – Cititgroupthebastards -- was at $3.11 (which is way better than it was Friday at $1.71 I think). S&W is up nearly 60% overall since Obama was elected.

There is H.R. 45 The Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 which would give Eric Holder (yikes!) broad authority over the Federal licensing of firearms owners, Federal registration of all firearms and a host of other unconstitutional nasties. Many believe this bill to be a non-starter. Dr. Bulldog is not among them:

Here is one possible scenario should gun confiscation become a reality. With fresh contacts inside the police forces warning armed Americans that they are next on the list, the first teams to enforce any ban will soon be eliminated. A quick refusal by other officers to attempt it and the walking off the job by most of our law enforcement will quickly result in anarchy in the streets. There are not enough police and military forces inside the US to stop the chaos, control will only be regained by gun owners, protecting themselves, neighbors and restoring order one foot of earth at a time. Once again proving that freedom requires an armed civilian force. Not a pretty picture is

By Jimmy Isaac, Cox East Texas,

5 February, 2009

Visitors and vendors at a Longview gun show Saturday were in unison against a federal bill aimed to prohibit users and sellers of firearms.
-This will never happen, in fifty years our war on drugs has not stemmed the flow. Make us all outlaws and guess what we will do, get worse, much worse. Not me; I am a pacifist and would never harm anyone (ignore giggling sounds) but others might.

“I think it’s absurd,” said Daniel Childress of Winona. “If you have a firearm, whether it be a shotgun or a pistol, every person in that household should be trained how to use it to protect themselves.”-Preach it brother-preach it. I have never in my entire life read a single story where anyone facing an emergency situation was saved by an unarmed liberal. . .

…Rush’s legislation seeks to prohibit owning or selling a gun without a license issued by the U.S. attorney general. The bill also would make it illegal to keep a loaded firearm or an unloaded firearm and its ammunition where there are children younger than 18, according to the bill’s text.-The first step to disarm families. By nine, I could shoot, clean and maintain a firearm. I have defended myself successfully in the past and plan to continue to do so. I do not buy weapons from dealers and own none according to any paperwork in anyone’s database. If it becomes illegal to buy and sell firearms, so what? Running red lights is illegal but it is still Florida’s favorite contact sport.

Sandra Bean-Hewitt organized this weekend’s gun show at Maude Cobb Convention and Activity Center. Responsible gun-toting parents instruct kids at toddler age the dangers of firearms, she said. “If the criminals know we can’t have firearms with ammunition,” Ms. Bean-Hewitt said, “we’re sitting ducks.”-A great place to start bitching about ammunition shortages. When you can find it, the prices are outrageous. At least we (not me as I own no weapons, ignore giggling sounds) have enough to last a short civil war. . .

In February Eric Holder started shooting off his mouth about reinstating the assault weapons ban. This drew a rapid response from Speaker Pelosi, no less, AGAINST it

Attorney General Eric Holder raised the prospect Wednesday that the administration would push to bring back the ban. But Pelosi (D-Calif.) indicated on Thursday that he never talked to her. The Speaker gave a flat “no” when asked if she had talked to administration officials about the ban.

“On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “I think it’s clear the Bush administration didn’t do that.”

Stunning coming from her but probably political and her opinion will shift with the prevailing winds.

Not to be deterred Holder gives a new reason for reinstating the assault weapons ban: Mexico and it’s inability to police itself and it’s own border with us.

Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban

By Joshua Rhett Miller
March 17, 2009

Get ready for a gunfight.

Attorney General Eric Holder is using the drug violence in Mexico to "confuse and mislead" Americans in an attempt to reinstate the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban, gun advocates claim. Holder revealed his intention to reinstate the ban last month while announcing more than 700 arrests in connection with a crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the United States.

"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to re-institute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder said. "I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum."

Holder said reinstating the ban would decrease the flow of guns from the U.S. into Mexico. He declined to offer a timeframe for any re-implementation; Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller also declined comment on Tuesday.

But Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, told that Holder's "argument in general is bizarre."

"It's a delusion to say that diminishing the Second Amendment in
America is somehow going to stop these ruthless drug cartels in Mexico
." . . .

. . .Michael Hammond, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America, said he was not surprised by Holder's comments.

"We expected the Obama administration, contrary to promises made during the campaign, to do everything it can to go after us," Hammond said. "It's no surprise to us that [Holder] is using a crisis as an argument to achieving his policy goals."

During a House subcommittee hearing last week, Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, warned against making U.S. gun owners "scapegoats" for the Mexican crisis.

"The message here is clear: According to some, the violence in Mexico is not the fault of the drug cartels or their American customers, nor is it the fault of decades of Mexican government corruption," Cox said in prepared remarks. "In their view, the fault lies with American gun owners. This is an outrageous

The United Nations, which has long sought to ban gun ownership in the United States, in fact globally. And now they have a friend in our President and our Secretary of State. It has the NRA worried enough to call me 2 nights ago talking about the expected attempts and, of course, hoping for some financial help.

Another issue is the microstamping of ammunition – The Ammunition Accountability Act. This is both a State and Federal issue. Depending on the version it would require ammunition manufacturers to microstamp every bullet and casing in a given box of ammo with a number unique to that box. The cost to the manufacturers alone would be staggering. Add to that proposed new taxes. All non-stamped ammo must be used or destroyed by June 1 2009 or 2011 (I’ve seen both dates). The idea being to make it too costly for the manufacturer to continue doing business. No more bullets, no more need for guns.

Did I mention this would also outlaw handloading?

Christian Soldier has a good bit up about it:

Accountability Legislation-an Infringement on the SECOND Amendment....

My California friends - we are among the FIRST to have this imposed upon
us...Link below-to sound the alarm:

Ammunition Accountability Legislation

Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo!

The bill 20 that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana ) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you
buy and what calibers.

Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including hand loaded ammo.)

They will also charge a .....05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama , Arizona , California , Connecticut , Hawaii , Illinois , Indiana , Kentucky , Maryland , Mississippi , Missouri , New Jersey , New York ,
Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina , Tennessee , and Washington

Send to your friends in these states AND fight to
dissolve this BILL!!

To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and
the specific legislation for each state, go to: <

In Pennsylvania this was introduced as House Bill 2228 in February 2008. It was referred to Judiciary February 8, 2008 and I have been able to find nothing further on it since.

Remember, we here in Pa. are Obama’s beloved Bitter Clingers. (how this state went for that schmuck I'll never understand) Once upon a time we fielded the third largest standing army in the world on our opening day of buck season. This will not go over well here. Oh no, not at all.

We in Dutch Country love our guns. And have pretty reasonable laws about them (for as reasonable as a gun law can be). In fact The Brady Campaign gives us a 26 out of 100 on gun control and ranks us 10th out of 50 among the states. Meant to be scorned I take that as a compliment. Considering states like New Hampshire or Alaska that have no licensing laws we’re doing okay.

Consider this in countries that have enacted gun control:

1. In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

2. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

3. Germany established gun control in 1938, and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

4. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated

5. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians,
unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

8. Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

All of this legislation is still open or pending in one form or another. If enacted any or all would, to me, be unconstitutional and A Clear and Present Danger to Our National Security.

Even if you don’t own any guns you still need to support the Second Amendment and oppose any and all gun control legislation. Write call badger your Congressman and legislators at all government levels. Join the NRA. They are the biggest defense we have against gun control (contrary to popular belief you don’t have to be a gun owner to join). Better still buy a gun, learn how to use it properly.

If you are a gun owner I would hope you’ve already joined the NRA. If not then you should do so.

Because in the end, if it is a Socialist Agenda they try to enact and try to dismantle the Constitution bit by bit it is the gun owners, all 80,000,000 of us, who will be the ones that must stand in the way, asserting our Second Amendment Right. For our own preservation and that of the nation’s. Throw the spear in the ground and say Thus Far and No Farther.

Americans are counting on us. Whether they realize it or not.

Don’t let this video from Britain happen here. (Thanks, Christian Soldier)


christian soldier said...

MR-Thanks for 'finding' the Brit vid-I has forgotten that I had posted it!
Of course-it was before you helped me by giving instruction on how to embed. Maybe I will go back and edit w/ the actual embed-Naw
I can't believe that my blog B-Day came and went and I didn't even notice-My first REAL entry was 3/8/08!! Froggy-
Thanks again MR--

christian soldier said...

..I HAD forgotten...

midnight rider said...

It was the Brit vid gave me the idea for this whole post but was way too late last night to work it.

So thanks right back at ya!

Anonymous said...

In one of the last scenes in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", Clint Eastwood says something like, " this world there are two kinds of people, my friend, those with loaded guns and those that dig.

I think that says it all.

NorCal girl

midnight rider said...


midnight rider said...

"When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk."

Pastorius said...

Babe of the Week?

Do you know her name?

midnight rider said...

Unfortunately no, I don't. I cribbed the picture from Dr Bulldog who has no acredation.

Anonymous gun toting babe of the week?

midnight rider said...

Here's a suggestion for ya , Pasto, though it would be in the mature category

Stevie Nicks' Band of Soldiers
In late 2004, Nicks began visiting Army and Navy medical centers in Washington, D.C. While visiting wounded service men and women, Nicks became determined to find an object she could leave with each soldier that would raise their spirits, motivate, and give them something to look forward to each day. She eventually decided to purchase hundreds of iPod Nanos, load them with music, artists, and play-lists which she would hand select, and autograph them. She now regularly delivers these tokens of her appreciation, bringing her closest friends to share the experience.[23]

In 2006, Nicks held a get-together to raise money for her charity work. Many of her peers made contributions. Nicks continues to develop this philanthropic endeavor.[24]

I call it a soldiers' iPod. It has all the crazy stuff that I listen to, and my collections I've been making since the '70s for going on the road, when I'm sick...Or the couple of times in my life that I have really been down, music is what always dances me out of bed.
Stevie Nicks, The Arizona Republic

So, as Mick [Fleetwood] and I went from room to room delivering their tiny iPod, they told us their stories. Mick became his tall, loving, father figure, English self, taking in every word they said, remaining calm (at least on the outside) inspiring them. We floated from room to room down thru the halls of the 2 hospitals over a three-day period. We gave out all our iPods. Right before I left for D.C., Stephen Tyler and Joe Perry dug into their pockets and came up with $10,000 for me. In my eyes they went from the coolest rock stars to generous great men; as my press agent Liz Rosenberg said, every returning wounded soldier should be given an iPod. It will be an integral part of their recovery.

She may or may not be anti-war but she is certainly pro-troop.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit, won't be my last. I posted the Brit video a while ago. Many interesting things I have not seen elsewhere. You are right. This Obammunist administration is as dangerous or more so than having a Communist administration. We all have to stand together and keep posting. When you lose your freedom, I will lose mine. When I lose my freedom you may very well be next.
Bob A.

midnight rider said...

Welcome to our band of Benevolent drunkards lunatics and freaks, Bob A.

Kick your feet up, pop a cold one and stay a while.

It's never dull around here :)

Anonymous said...

Just sent you an e-mail. Going for a cold one now.
Bob A.
Hit my site and let me know.