Eugene Robinson inadvertently admits something he assumes about the media which many of us unfortunately know is appallingly true
Mr. Robinson’s column is about what Obama has to do to win tonight.
Romney now seeks to portray himself as an unthreateningly moderate technocrat, as opposed to the “severely conservative” ideologue we met earlier this year.
Well actually, what I see, and what I saw is someone dedicated to ONE MAIN THING as the priority for the next 4 years.
Igniting the economy.
As both an inventor (of the cardiac research software kind) and small businessman, it it past any question for me and a shockingly UNIFORM number of my acquaintances that Obama simply does not understand business.
As an observer of our situation it is shockingly past obvious that we cannot tax our way out debt.
As an observer of our situation it is shockingly past obvious that we cannot cut our way out debt.
We cannot help the elderly, sick, poor, and those of need of better and further education as we would all wish to do, UNLESS THE ECONOMY IS GROWING.
Barack Obama’s policies have been designed to WIN VOTES as its priority, then to adhere to his ideology, not allow the economy to be free to grow.
That’s all Mitt Romney has to point out OVER AND OVER AND OVER for him to win.
To allow the economy freedom to grow we have to drill, dig and frack. We need to increase the incentive by allowing small business people to see the possibility of MORE PROFIT. More profit to take more risks in hiring, purchasing, investing in their own businesses.
What does Mr. Robinson urge?
One of Obama’s more easily achievable goals Tuesday night should be to remind voters — and perhaps Romney himself, who seems to forget — of previous Romney positions such as “self-deportation” for undocumented immigrants.
Do these people actually think a Latino (or any) family WHEREVER they are in the USA is more concerned about that or what brought them here to begin with (rightly or wrongly), A GROWING BOUNTIFUL ECONOMY?
They just don’t get it and they never will.
Apparently, except for networks and newspapers dedicated to business, neither does almost any part of the media.
If we continue on the path we are on, the people who create a rising ocean to float all boats and ships higher and higher, will take jobs working for the federal govt, move to Manassas, make $125k, a guaranteed pension, cut down on their coffee and stress, and ride it all out to the end, while those less lucky will demand more and more aid in a more and more moribund economy, while they struggle to find jobs selling insurance to each other, or one asking if we want extra cream and sugar.
Grow the economy and tax revenues climb dramatically. Programs can be paid for AS WE CHOOSE. Budgets balance and debt can be paid.
Do not grow the economy and we compete against each other old and young, immigrant and citizen, educated and uneducated for an ever spiraling inwards cycle of capital, until Greece breaks out in Manhattan.
Things that cannot go on, do not.
Why is this not UTTERLY obvious to the Mr. Robinsons?
Move to Manassas?
People living in Manassas are known around here as "Manass-holes," for more than one reason.
One reason = the illicit drug market here. And I ain't talkin' about weed, either.
What do you think smart people are gonna do with no real incentive to achieve?
Besides, by then the govt will be building 'luxury' 1 bedroom condos and town homes on the battlefield
It will look like little Moscow 1955,
with gardens
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