The Islamic fanatics who want to kill us, who want to destroy our system of government, our system of law, those people now have the same rights as those who grow up in America, and contribute to America.
We sure have come a long way since September 11, 2001. And the movement is all backward. High Court ruling may delay war crimes trials.
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign terrorism
suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge
their detention in U.S. civilian courts.
In its third rebuke of the Bush administration’s treatment of
prisoners, the court ruled 5-4 that the government is violating the rights of
prisoners being held indefinitely and without charges at the U.S. naval base in
Cuba. The court’s liberal justices were in the majority.
We are sheep led to the slaughter.

Hmmmm....Islamic terrorists facing a jury of pissed off Americans? Sound's good to me!
Here's another problem with the supreme courts reasoning, the US constitution was never meant to apply to enemy combatants in the first place! We have the Geneva Convention for that. Add this to yet another stupid idea from men in black, like the idea that we should use foreign law to interpret the the US constitution.
Good point.
I just thought of something else, this is a real wake up call. We better be prepared to defend our first amendment rights. Liberals are trying to bring European and Canadian style hate speech laws to this country. You know what that could mean for sights like this, or people like you or Bosch_Fawstin, if they succeed.
We had better do all the we can to stop hate speech laws before they are pasted by congress or the state legislators. This latest ruling reveals (yet again) that cannot relay on the supreme court to follow the constitution! This is a good reason to support strict constructionist Judges like Antonin_Scalia. If they are going to try to make the constitution apply in places it was never meant to, what's to stop them from ignoring it in places they don't like?
I expect that, down the road a little way, a lot of us bloggers are going to have to make the decision; are we going to go to jail, or are we going to shut up?
I'm Pissed. Pissed at Bush for fumbling this entire war. The day after 9-11, the congress on the steps of the Capital were ready to declare war on an ideology but Bush didn't. He missed the entire boat by declaring war on a tactic - terrorism.
Did we not invade any and all countries that were either occupied or supported Nazism in WWII? We did. Why? Because we were at war with an ideology.
We should have declared war on the ideology of Islamism, identified where it was, and then gone after it with all means possible. By Bush not declaring war on the ideology we are now faced with a muddle that gives constitutional rights to the enemy.
The jihadists and political Islamists are rolling on the floor in laughter at how easy it is to defeat the great Satan - with its help.
Damn it! We better wake up - and soon.
You said,
"I expect that, down the road a little way, a lot of us bloggers are going to have to make the decision; are we going to go to jail, or are we going to shut up?"
Yeah but why not fight it? why not do all you can to stop those laws from becoming law in the first place?
Yeah I am upset at Bush too. He definitely didn't do enough. But at least he opposed things like this stupid supreme court ruling, giving to due process rights to enemy combatants.
I write. I figure that by writing, I am getting info out to people.
I think this is what I do. Everyone has their talents. This is mine, for what it is worth.
By dedicating my talent to the cause, I believe I am doing my part.
If you thought I meant you should stop writing, you misunderstood me. I never meant to imply you should stop writing. I just think that we should be on the look out for any attempt to pass such hate speech laws here in America. If the best you can do, to stop one from becoming law in this country, is to write about it, than thats what I think you should do. I was just trying to help the cause.
The supreme court is right in fact of law.
The Constitution say PERSONS.
But, there is NO WAY Madison, Monroe and others could ever have imagined the current situation.
Religious imperialists armed by the force of a 'perfect' document's demands, mandatorily committing simultaneous suicide and mass murder in order to finally get laid.
We need an amendment to change the law to CITIZENS or those 'actively, and sincerely becoming citizens' in order to change the ground rules the Supreme Court must use.
Fat chance
But Epaminondas, the supreme court has never granted such rights to enemy combatants in the two hundred plus years of our nation's history. The constitution has never been interpreted this way before.
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