In a special Internet announcement in Arabic, picked up DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources, Osama bin Laden’s followers announced Monday, Oct. 29, the launching of Electronic Jihad. On Sunday, Nov. 11, al Qaeda’s electronic experts will start attacking Western, Jewish, Israeli, Muslim apostate and Shiite Web sites. On Day One, they will test their skills against 15 targeted sites expand the operation from day to day thereafter until hundreds of thousands of Islamist hackers are in action against untold numbers of anti-Muslim sites.
Like in the history of the Emperor’s new clothes, where he thought that he was so above criticism that he could stroll through town absolutely naked and know that no one would comment, Al Qaeda can no longer stand the pin-pricks of a ‘small minority’ of web sites who see through the naked aggression of the Islamists compared to the massive MSM and left-wing blogs that continuously spew out their Islamic appeasing, apologetic rhetoric and living up to the meaning of the term “useful idiots’.
What that says to me is they must think we are hurting their cause. Excellent.
What that also says to me is that we need to make sure we're backing up our blogs, and I just found a great service to do it very easily. Check out BlogBackUpOnline. It is a free service, and very easy to use. You simply give them your URL, and they do the rest.
Another way to do it is with a program that will download your blog onto your own computer for safekeeping. Check out Blogger Backup. It's a free program.
Both use your blog feed to create the back up.
Let's make sure they cannot shut us down for long. Our work is making a difference, or they wouldn't go through such trouble to stop us.
If you use Blogger, they have fairly simple instructions for backing up your blog onto your computer.
Ah, so these days it's the Muslims who cretins are going to scapegoat?
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