And now, coming to you live from a pirates tug boat off the coast of Somalia, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
We interview Eric Sean X.
X as in Malcolm X.
Eric Sean X is a Muslim man who fell in love with Allah, LITERALLY!
That's right Eric Sean X is boning Allah.
And, he tells us about it, in excruciating detail.
By the way, Eric Sean X is also a rapper. Yes, a rapper. The ultimate Gangsta rapper, living the Thug Life of the Jihad.
Well, the inner Jihad anyway.
And man, when this guy says Inner Jihad, he mean In Her.
Click on the button to listen.
You and Fu2rman haven't done one of these in a long time. I'm listening right now.
Hope you like it, Damien.
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