Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Source tells Glenn Beck: DOJ negotiating with Egyptian government for return of “blind sheikh”?

The U.S. State Department is currently in negotiations with the Egyptian government for the transfer of custody of Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as “the Blind Sheikh,” for humanitarian and health reasons, a source close to the the Obama administration told TheBlaze…
The negotiations are allegedly part of the ongoing discussions with the Egyptian government to resolve the crisis plaguing the Middle East, the source told TheBlaze. Calls to the State Department for comment referred us to the Department of Justice, and nothing has been confirmed.
The Blind Sheikh is serving a life sentence in American prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His release has been called one of the top priorities of the new Islamist administration in Egypt. Many have pinpointed the cause of last week‘s unrest in Egypt to be protests over the Blind Sheikh’s release– not an anti-Islam YouTube video.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Pasto,

Flashback : Releasing the Blind Sheikh? March 2, 2012.

Tuesday’s al-Arabiya story portrays the Blind Sheikh’s potential release and repatriation "as an offer by the Obama administration".

Helping spearhead the effort has been Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, the extremely influential Muslim Brotherhood jurist.

Who also sits on the Same board as Huma Abedin's brother !


Would make you 'paranoid' no?