Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama: Video no ‘excuse’ for attacks on Americans

Obama is finally something close to the right thing.

What's up with that?

From Yahoo News:

"The message we have to send, I think, to the Muslim world is, we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe," the president said, one week after gunmen stormed the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi in an attack that claimed the lives of the U.S. ambassador there and three aides. Obama's remarks were collected by pool reporter Anita Kumar of McClatchy Newspapers. 
Obama telephoned leaders in the region over the past few days to press them on the issue of security at American diplomatic posts—host nations typically carry a portion of that burden. And he ordered special U.S. Marines units to some of the most vulnerable spots.
"Our first job is obviously to make sure that we're reinforcing security at these embassies, that we're fully investigating what happened and bringing these murderers to justice," the president said. "That's our number one priority." 
Obama also pressed nations caught up in the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled authoritarian regimes around the region to embrace freedom of speech as a core democratic value. 
"And in this part of the region, as they emerge, into a new form of government, part of what they're going to have to do is to recognize that democracy is not just casting a ballot," he said. 
"It's respecting freedom of speech and tolerating people with different points of view, and it means that you've got to make sure that you never have any excuses for the kind of violence against innocents we saw last week," Obama said. 
"And that's a message that I've sent very clearly to the leaders of various countries, and we expect their full cooperation, because that's the only way the international order works."
Does that mean no dhimmified equivocation to attempts by the OIC to establish blasphemy laws in the future, then?

If so, here here, Obama.

I still want you out of office, though.

Frankly, it takes too much to get you to finally do or say the right thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's too damn late, and too damn acquiescent - AND, there aren't enough USMC FAST units available for his little games .........................

Semper Fi'