Wednesday, February 08, 2017

GERMAN SECURITY OFFICIAL: Muslim Brotherhood Trying To Establish Sharia law In Germany

From RT:
... “only now, when a [large] number of Muslims have come to Germany, do they see a chance to expand their network beyond some central structures and become interesting for the new Muslims in Saxony.”… … 
The Muslim Brothers still want to establish Sharia law in Germany,” which would have grave consequences for religious freedom, women’s rights and democratic values, Meyer-Plath said. 
The group is active in about 70 countries, where it builds mosques, schools and hospitals, presents itself as a democratic force and officially distances itself from an idea of the global Jihad in an attempt to win the sympathies of locals… 
…it is needless to say that it is a bad situation when the only Muslim structures in the area are controlled by Islamists and political extremists.”… … 
“They are going through the land with a fantastic sum of money and are just buying real property” to turn it into mosques, Meyer-Plath said, adding that the local Muslims often appreciate their efforts.

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