One world government, here we come.
Harold Koh Confirmed After Long GOP Delay
Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh was confirmed as the State Department Legal Advisor in a roll call vote, 62-35.
Koh was tapped for the job nearly four months ago, but has faced criticism from some conservatives for an alleged "transnational" approach to the law. But ranking Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) threw his support to Koh, in a statement Thursday: "After reading his answers to dozens of questions, attending his hearing in its entirety, meeting with him privately, and reviewing his writings, I believe that Dean Koh is unquestionably qualified to assume the post for which he is nominated."
But, here's the truth:
The Islamic catering, America destroying Obama is at it again. He has announced his pick for the State Department's top legal advisor. His pick is radicalHarol Koh, who has stated that he has no problem allowing Sharia law into our US courts. It is sad that the American voters could not figure out just how radical Obama is.Koh: Wants US courts to apply "world law."
March 30, 2009
JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms." Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts. The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq.
Those are the views of the man on track to become one of the US government's top lawyers: Harold Koh.
President Obama has nominated Koh -- until last week the dean of Yale Law School -- to be the State Department's legal adviser. In that job, Koh would forge a wide range of international agreements on issues from trade to arms control, and help represent our country in such places as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.
It's a job where you want a strong defender of America's sovereignty. But that's not Koh. He's a fan of "transnational legal process," arguing that the distinctions between US and international law should vanish.
What would this look like in a practical sense? Well, California voters have overruled their courts, which had imposed same-sex marriage on the state. Koh would like to see such matters go up the chain through federal courts -- which, in turn, should look to the rest of the world. If Canada, the European Human Rights Commission and the United Nations all say gay marriage should be legal -- well, then, it should be legal in California too, regardless of what the state's voters and elected representatives might say.
He even believes judges should use this "logic" to strike down the death penalty, which is clearly permitted in the US Constitution.
The primacy of international legal "norms" applies even to treaties we reject. For example, Koh believes that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a problematic document that we haven't ratified -- should dictate the age at which individual US states can execute criminals. Got that? On issues ranging from affirmative action to the interrogation of terrorists, what the rest of the world says, goes.
Including, apparently, the world of radical imams. A New York lawyer, Steven Stein, says that, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
A spokeswoman for Koh said she couldn't confirm the incident, responding: "I had heard that some guy . . . had asked a question about sharia law, and that Dean Koh had said something about that while there are obvious differences among the many different legal systems, they also share some common legal concepts."
Score one for America's enemies and hostile international bureaucrats, zero for American democracy.
Koh has called America's focus on the War on Terror "obsessive." In 2004, he listed countries that flagrantly disregard international law -- "most prominently, North Korea, Iraq, and our own country, the United States of America," which he branded "the axis of disobedience."
He has also accused President George Bush of abusing international law to justify the invasion of Iraq, comparing his "advocacy of unfettered presidential power" to President Richard Nixon's. And that was the first Bush -- Koh was attacking the 1991 operation to liberate Kuwait, four days after fighting began in Operation Desert Storm.
Koh has also praised the Nicaraguan Sandinistas' use in the 1980s of the International Court of Justice to get Congress to stop funding the Contras. Imagine such international lawyering by rogue nations like Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela today, and you can see the danger in Koh's theories.
Koh, a self-described "activist," would plainly promote his views aggressively once at State. He's not likely to feel limited by the letter of the law -- in 1994, he told The New Republic: "I'd rather have [former Supreme Court Justice Harry] Blackmun, who uses the wrong reasoning in Roe [v. Wade] to get the right results, and let other people figure out the right reasoning."
Worse, the State job might be a launching pad for a Supreme Court nomination. (He's on many liberals' short lists for the high court.) Since this job requires Senate confirmation, it's certainly a useful trial run.
What happens to Koh in the Senate will send an important signal. If he sails through to State, he's a far better bet to make it onto the Supreme Court. So Senate Republicans have a duty to expose and confront his radical views.
Even though he's up for a State Department job, Koh is a key test case in the "judicial wars." If he makes it through (which he will if he gets even a single GOP vote) the message to the Obama team will be: You can pick 'em as radical as you like.
And then, there's Obama's new Special Envoy to the Middle East, Farah Pandith:
Farah Pandith: Obama’s Recycled Envoy to the Muslim World
Is this the change we had in mind?
June 27, 2009
The Obama administration has appointed a Muslim woman, Farah Pandith, as America’s special representative to the Muslim world.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Farah Pandith would play a leading role in US efforts to “engage Muslims around the world”.
Ms. Pandith’s appointment is yet another bizarre move by the Obama Administration that has managed to slither under the dysfunctional radar of America’s MainStreamMedia®.
During his inaugural speech, and again in his “Apology to Islam” rant at Cairo University, President Barack Obama pledged to seek a ‘new way forward’ with the Muslim world, after what he claims were eight years of tense relations with the Ummah under former President Bush.
Obama’s actions and proclamations should keep historians and psychoanalysts occupied for decades to come.
Consider this;
Barack Hussein Obama, who has obviously assumed the role as spokesman for the “Muslim World”, is the only leader of a Muslim country to have complained about the Bush Administration’s relations with the Islamic leadership. Indeed, many American conservatives and non-Muslims were appalled by what they viewed as Dubya’s unhealthy preoccupation with all things Islamic.
For those delusional souls who insist on embracing every unsubstantiated statement, and shallow, whimsical appointment made by the Administration, may I remind you of these uncomfortable facts.
The Obama-Clinton envoy to the “Muslim World” has, since 2007, been George W. Bush’s “Senior Advisor for Muslim Engagement”. Perhaps Ms.Pandith’s appointment is part of an energy saving and recycling scheme. There certainly will not be much of a carbon footprint cast in D.C. since Farah has held virtually the same position for over two years. She won’t even have to move offices.
The main significance of the Bush-Obama-Clinton envoy is her gender. Islam’s representatives to the Judeo-Christian World have traditionally been bearded males.
Osama bin Laden , Ayman al-Zawahiri , and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei should be favorably impressed by Ms.Pandith’s re-appointment.
Thanks for posting it, Pastorius. This is very worrying. You know, considering US importance in the world, this kind of appointments are worrying for every freedom-loving person in the world.
Thanks for suggesting it. I tend to ignore politics. But, you are right, the Koh appointment is extremely troublesome.
He really is a nut. How is it we have come to a place in history where people like this are deemed fit to serve in our government?
The man doesn't even respect the Constitution. Presumably, he will be asked to swear allegiance to it when he takes office. Isn't that right? And yet, he'll piss all over it the second he does take office.
I too find Koh's appointment to be troubling. Anyone who thinks that Western law and sharia are compatible is either a fool or incredibly naive. Neither of those things are something I want in an adviser to our president. Also his support of a one world government is also rather troubling.
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