Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hagel: Islamic State 'beyond anything we've seen'

I can't imagine anyone who posts here is surprised, so why is our Defense Secretary surprised?

From AFP:
Washington (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Thursday that the Islamic State is more than a traditional "terrorist group" and better armed, trained and funded than any recent threat. 
"They marry ideology and a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well funded. This is beyond anything we have seen," Hagel told reporters.


midnight rider said...

I'm not even surprised that he's surprised...

Pastorius said...

I'm not surprised that you're not surprised, because neither am I surprised.

midnight rider said...

And this is PRECISELY why the NSA spying on Americans and collecting metadata and eavesdropping on Merkel and Senate staffers should be such an abomination to every red blooded breathing thinking American.

Because WHILE they're busy with that they completely missed the growing threat of ISIS AND COMLETELY BLEW THE INTELLIGNCE ON A RESCUE OP. THEY dropped the ball that allowed the hostages be moved 2 days before our Spec Ops arrived. THEY put our troops lives in needless peril because they were too busy jacking off to some senate staffer talking about her late night fuck. And then THEY exposed some of our tactics and the very idea we are hunting them by releasing the details of an embarrassingly failed op. The embarrassment goes not to the troops but to those who are supposed to be gathering and analyzing the latest intel on the bad boys and not whether the 23 year old 36-28-36 blonde in the next office does a bikini wax or a full on shave.