Wednesday, December 09, 2015

San Bernadino shooters planned attack at least a year in advance

They practiced at a local Riverside shooting range for at least a year. Imagine what that must have looked like, those two marching in there, he in his Islamic mandress that reaches almost to the floor, and she in her Burqa.

Imagine that.

And the gun range owner never thought to report these two?

If you see something, don't say something. Just drink a whole bunch and it will go away.

San Bernadino shooters planned attack at least a year in advance 
San Bernardino terror couple Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik spent at least a year preparing for their terror attack, NBC News has learned, practicing at a local gun range and making financial plans for their family after their deaths. 
And the husband may have discussed an attack as many as three years ago, law enforcement sources said Tuesday. 
Two sources said Farook and Malik had practiced their shooting skills at a Riverside, California-area gun range for a year or more before last Wednesday's attack on a holiday office party. 
They killed 14 people and wounded 21 more with firearms at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. Counterterrorism officials also told NBC News that Farook and Malik were making preparations for some time to "take care of both grandma and the baby." 
The couple lived in a Redlands, California residence with their 6-month-old daughter and Farook's 62-year-old mother, Rafia Farook. 
They left their daughter with Rafia Farook on the morning of the attack. Investigators are examining a $28,500 deposit made to Farook's bank account in the weeks before the Dec. 2 rampage. 
A U.S. counterterrorism official said that he didn't have details on the transfer, but that it "would be consistent with them making preparations for grandma and the kid." 
The latest revelations come after NBC News reported Monday that federal investigators are interviewing a neighbor of Farook and Malik who bought two of the four guns that were used in the massacre. 
That man, Enrique Marquez — who NBC News has learned is an in-law of Farook — had converted to Islam about three or four years ago, according to the son of the imam at the Islamic Center of Riverside. 
Marquez, along with Farook and Malik, attended the mosque, officials have said. In 2014, records show, Marquez married a woman named Mariya Chernykh — the sister of Tatiana Farook, who is married to Syed Rizwan Farook's brother, Syed Raheel Farook. 
Both Tatiana and Syed Raheel Farook were witnesses at the ceremony, according to public records. Enrique Marquez and Mariya Chernykh also listed their home address as the same one belonging to Syed Raheel Farook and his father. 
Muhammed Kuko, the son of the imam at the Islamic Center of Riverside, told NBC News that Marquez went to Friday prayers there in addition to working at its bookstore. 
He said he heard Marquez was a gun hobbyist, and he came across as mild-mannered, smiling and helpful — and Kuko never heard him express any extreme or conservative views. He said he would be shocked if Marquez was knowingly an accomplice to the massacre. 
Kuko added that Farook was also reserved and mild-mannered, and sometimes liked to play on the mosque's basketball court.


Anonymous said...

How could the owner have called in a tip?
1. He would have been sued. It would have been profiling. Don't Muslims have the right to target practice? Are they all terrorists?

2. Other people at the range must have noticed, but they were in the same situation. There is no longer anonymity. Phones have IDs, and try to find a public phone. A computer at the public library? You have to register and present your card before using. If they want to know who you are, they will find you.

3. Maybe the FBI or the media should inform people as to the right way to report to remain anonymous. Otherwise, nobody will report. No longer for PC, but for fear.

Pastorius said...

I would have started talking with the Muslifags and asked them questions to try to tease out what the fuck was going on.

People have to be fucking brave.

Look, here's something for you to understand: I don't give a flying fuck about PC.

You'd think people at a gun range would be the last to be PC and the first to be brave, committed patriots.

Is that not true?