Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Just what IS IT with the French that they cannot even identify their real allies?

French UNIFIL say will fire at Israeli Air Force overflights

Commanders of the French contingent of the United Nations force in Lebanon have warned that they might have to open fire if Israel Air Force warplanes continue their overflights in Lebanon, Defense Minister Amir Peretz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday.

Peretz said that nevertheless, Israel would continue to patrol the skies over Lebanon as long as United Nations resolution 1701 remained unfilfilled, adding that such operations were critical for the country's security, especially as the abducted IDF soldiers remain in Hezbollah custody and the transfer of arms continue.

Over the past few days, Peretz said, Israel had gathered clear evidence that Syria was transfering arms and ammunition to Lebanon, meaning that the embargo imposed by UN Resolution 1701 was not being completely enforced.

The french have demonstrated the least common sense about their real allies on the planet. The french are knee deep in a non survival mutation wave

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Anonymous said...

G_D only knows what has crawled up the collective Gaulist butt. I realise that I should be very careful about talking too much whe outside of Israel, but I can't take it anymore! I may be charged with revealing military secrets upon my return home...so please keep this under your cap...

Every soldier in the IDF knows that...

White vehicles and Baby-blue helmets, make excellent, almost irresistible, targets.

(Don't tell the French)

Pastorius said...

My first thought when reading this was, "Does that mean the IDF will shoot back? Oh God, I hope so."

ziontruth said...

I'm quaking in my boots... the Fwench's performance in the face of their local "yoots" fills me with foreboding.

Anonymous said...

We have made numerous such "mistakes" in the past.

The United Nations represent a coalition of the most dangerous terrorist organisations on the planet. U.N. posts are under constant surveilance by UAV's and other assets. If the Froggies fire on IAF planes there will be a less workers for the grape harvest next year.

ziontruth said...


"If the Froggies fire on IAF planes there will be a less workers for the grape harvest next year."

Yes, but on the other hand, we're going to enjoy a big supply of French Fries! :-D