Monday, October 13, 2014

Susan Rice: No Need To Reassess Admin Strategy Against ISIS

National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the Obama administration is not reassessing it’s strategy to defeat the Islamic State (ISIL or ISIS) even as airstrikes prove ineffective in stopping the advance and spread of the terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria. 
When Meet the Press host Chuch Todd asked Rice if the strategy was being reassessed, the former UN ambassador responded in the negative and emphasized that the U.S. is not and will not consider sending ground troops to Syria. 
“No, Chuck. This is very early days of the strategy,” Rice said. “We are not going to be in a ground war in Iraq. It’s not what’s required by the circumstances we face.” 
Rice repeated the proposed trajectory of the U.S. strategy, saying “we will do what we can from the air.” Human rights groups and the UN alike have expressed concern that IS militants are advancing and threatening more populations despite coalition airstrikes. 
“Even if one were to take that step, which the president has made clear we are not going to do, it wouldn’t be sustainable,” Rice said. “We’ve got to do this in a sustainable way.”
She answers the question like she's fuckin' retarded, as if she can't conceive of the idea that there are more options than, a) "boots on the ground", or b) limited/targeted airstrikes.

Recently, ISIS marched AS AN ARMY across desert roads to Kobahne. We could have taken them our Highway to Hell style right then.

But Obama did nothing, and the blood of the slaughter will be on his hands.

He is a terrible scum of a human being. He is directly responsible for all the people who will die in Kobahne. 

He could have fixed the problem and he chose not to. 

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