Monday, December 18, 2006

Way Cool: Une Grande Conservative Blogress Diva...Nominee

I’ve been nominated for a number of things in my life: “La Boca Grande” by a few people, “Ms. Ditz” by others. But never before has anyone suggested I had the makings of a diva. Not until now, anyway.

Here’s the process, from one of their previous posts, that Gay Patriot(s) used to select the nominees:

As December 15 approaches, you still have time to nominate — or second — your favorite conservative, libertarian (or otherwise iconoclastic) blogress for the coveted title of Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2007.

We define a diva as a strong, confident woman who commands the respect of men. And given how much (most) gay men respect such women, we believe it appropriate that our blog conduct this competition.

Sometime tomorrow, Bruce and I will review the comments to this post, the initial posts (here and here) [these links can be found on their post -- D.] on the competition and our e-mail to determine the final list of nominees. Unlike last year, we expect to do this in two parts, with the first round of balloting taking place from Sunday, December 17 until December 24, then holding a run-off the following week, announcing the new year’s Diva just as the old year draws to a close.

I was tickled when Dan, aka Gay Patriot West, emailed me yesterday that I’d made the initial list. I went over to look and knew there was no way I'd make the cut-off for the actual voting list. I mean, look at the nominees:

- - - - - - - - - -
Ann Althouse
The Anchoress
Little Miss Attila
Tammy Bruce
Wizbang’s Lorie Byrd
Dympha of Gates of Vienna
Jane Galt of Asymmetrical Information
Townhall’s Mary Katharine Ham
Bridget Johnson of GOP Vixen
Reigning Grande Conservative Blogress Diva Sondra K of Knowledge is Power
Carol Platt Liebau
National Review Online’s K-Lo (Kathryn Jean Lopez)
Kate MacMillan of small dead animals
Michelle Malkin
neo-neo con
Betsy Newmark of Betsy’s Page
Juliette of Baldilocks (and Pajamas)
Pamela of Atlas Shrugs
Pat Santy
Debbie Schlussel
Cathy Seipp
Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed Catholic
Alexandra von Maltzan of All Things Beautiful
Cathy Young

Quite an array, huh? As I looked through the choices I realized that I read all of these women. In fact, when talking to Tammy Bruce one time, I defended my position that there are lots of good women bloggers out there. And now that Gay Patriot has instituted “blogress” I’ll use that term from now on. Maybe I’ll put it on my tax return where they ask for your occupation. “Blogress” has a certain je ne sais quoi, non? A nice thumb in the eye to the strident feminists who would reduce us all to the same alleged non-sexists titles.

Well, lo and behold, I made the cut. What a compliment!

So be sure to go to the post and vote till your fingers are sore…actually, I’m sure they have some sort of filter that only permits you to vote once…which means you should visit the library on your lunch hour and use their computer, and email all your friends to go over and vote.

Perhaps we should ask a Democrat precinct chairman for some other ideas on ballot-box-stuffing techniques?

Given the powerhouse talent I’m up against, there’s no way I’ll win. But, wow! I made the list! Wooo-wheeee!

Now I’m going to go out and buy me a feather boa to wear while sitting in front of this screen. Maybe it should be an iridescent, rainbow-colored one — that way it will match whatever pair of pajamas I’m wearing at the moment. Oh, and maybe a good pair of sunglasses so I can be out and about in public without being mobbed for autographs...


Pastorius said...

Congrats Dymphna. You and Pamela are definately Blogress Divas to me.

Kiddo said...

Congratulations! I must admit that I am disappointed to not find Always on Watch on the list, however!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I am grateful to Gay Patriot for creating the Diva Award - that is an impressive field of bloggers regardless of gender.