Sunday, September 07, 2008

How Many Concessions Will It Take Before The Free World Is Unrecognizable?

I keep harping on the idea that one important solution to the problem of Islamic political encroachment is the blanket rule by all democracies: No more concessions to Islam. And it occurred to me that the readers of IBA have a wealth of knowledge, all coming across different news items, and that we could use a single page that collects concessions, in the same way that The Religion of Peace website collects Islamic acts of violence against non-Muslims.

If we had a single page, those of us who are bloggers could link to it whenever we mention concessions to Islam, and those who are not bloggers could give a link to it whenever they mention concessions to Islam to their friends.

We could all keep a link to this page and whenever we come across another concession, we could add it to the comments until this is such an enormous list it crashes and makes the news. So let's begin. I'll go first (read the comments).


Citizen Warrior said...

This concession to Islam is a quote from an excellent article called Lights Out On Liberty:

"I started keeping a file on pig controversies a couple of years ago, and you would be surprised at how routine they have become. Recently, for instance, a local government council prohibited its workers from having knickknacks on their desks representing Winnie the Pooh’s sidekick Piglet. As Pastor Martin Niemoller might have said, "First they came for Piglet and I did not speak out because I was not a Disney character, and if I was, I’d be more of an Eeyore. Then they came for the Three Little Pigs and Babe, and by the time I realized the Western world had turned into a 24/7 Looney Tunes, it was too late, because there was no Porky Pig to stammer, ‘Th-th-th-that’s all folks!’, and bring the nightmare to an end."

"What all these stories have in common is excessive deference to—and in fact fear of—Islam. If the story of the Three Little Pigs is forbidden when Muslims still comprise less than ten percent of Europe’s population, what else will be on the black list when they comprise 20 percent? In small but telling ways, non-Muslim communities are being persuaded that a kind of uber-Islamic law now applies to all."

- Mark Steyn

Anonymous said...

CW - keeping tabs on concessions to islam/sharia would be a fantastic endeavor.

See today's post at JW for what can be expected as one concession a snowball of demands makes.
"Non-Muslim workers protest accommodation of Muslims at Swift plant"

[ . , ]

WC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
christian soldier said...

The word 'concession' reminds me of the old word 'tribute'..
When Madison sent the fleet against the Barbary (Islamic) pirates in the year 1815 he stated:

"It is a settled policy of America that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute. The United States, while they wish for war with no nation will buy peace with none."

James Madison - President of the US.

Citizen Warrior said...

That's really good, Christian Soldier.