Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Diplomacy of Fear - the Muslim way

Many liberals like to decry conservatives for what they call the "politics of fear." This means that neocons like to use fear as a battering ram of sorts to spook people into voting for them, specifically fear of terror.

There may or may not be merit in this argument, but I have hardly anyone talk about the flip-side of this concept, one that liberals wholeheartedly embrace, usually without realizing it.

I call it the diplomacy of fear.

For decades, the Arab world specifically and the Muslim world in general has used threats as its main leverage to get the West to bend to its will. The threats aren't usually direct; most often they take the form of "if you don't do what we want, the Arab street will erupt" or "the terrorists will have an excuse." In other words, if Arab thugocracies do not get what they desire from the West, then they will be powerless to stop the irrational forces within their borders from damaging Western interests.
(read the rest here.)


Anonymous said...

Yo, check this out.

Brooke said...

Diplomacy of fear.

That's excellent; I may have to use that, if you don't mind!

Pastorius said...

That is an excellent post, EOZ. I read the whole thing over at your site, but I wanted to comment here since there was already a thread.

You have articulated something which should be obvious to all, and yet, since it isn't, the world is allowed to continue go on supporting the thugocracies of the Arab world, over Israel, as if the decision to do so is noble.

Elder of Ziyon said...

Brooke - I don't mind at all.

Thanks, Pastorius.