Friday, September 08, 2006

Pedestrian Infidel and the KKK

We, at the Pedestrian Infidel, have been accused of being a racist blog twice in the last two months, first by a Malaysian Muslim blog and later in the comment thread of my previous post, “The Arab Pride”. We were accused of being in league with the KKK and so on. In short, many who don’t like our blog or our message think we’re basically just another bunch of whites who are out to destroy all the other races in the world.

But I say that’s totally baseless. And I think that I speak for all of the PI team when I say that we don’t hold anything against the people of any race, be they Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, you name it...

But just to make myself clear one more time—I don’t hold anything against the Christian Arabs or the pagan Arabs or the ‘whatever’ Arabs. I was writing about Muslim Arabs and I stand by my post.

Read the entire post over at PI.

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

Avenging Apostate,
Many a philosopher has tried that tactic, but alas there is a subtle, but fatal, logical fallacy within the argument layed out by our anonymous commenter.

In fact, it has come to be known as the "Yeah. Whatever dickhead," fallacy. It proceeds thusly:

The statement, "Yeah. Whatever dickhead," contains no predicate attatched to the subject.

When no predicate is attatched to the subject, this means there is no actual advancement of a idea.

Without the advancement of a idea, there can be no logic.

Let us be clear, as noted before, this is a subtle, but deadly, fallacy. In other words, while it is understandable that our anonymous commenter would fall into such a trap, it remains a trap from which I simply can not provide any escape, no matter how generous I may be.

Perhaps, anonymous could rephrase his argument.